

The scanner combines galvanic skin response (GSR), pressure sensor, temperature and Bluetooth technologies, to measure small changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin. The scanner's revolutionary technology enables an analysis of your physical and emotional state.

Our bodies are highly complex chemical, structural and energetic masterpieces with trillions of components and millions of processes and cycles. The elegant symphony, that takes place in each of us, to keep our body in a state of well-being, underlines our complexity and individuality. The body also has many possibilities, to reveal his inner workings beyond traditional methods.

While we are constantly moving and changing, our bodies adapt, to keep us in a state of health and homeostasis. Internal and environmental stressors, both useful and harmful, are some of the main causes of these changes and create reactions in the body. The meter tracks these occurrences in the body, by sending stimuli, to trigger a reaction.

For centuries, reactions of the body have been observed and recorded using a variety of methods, including pulse, Augendilatation, breathing patterns and more. The meter uses the galvanic skin response / GSR, by measuring the electrical conductivity of the skin and identifying the strongest changes.

The galvanic skin reaction has been around for a long time, and the scanner is making progress on the measurements provided by GSR. After completing a hand scan, the data is processed using the complex proprietary algorithm, so that we can take a closer look at the small changes in the conductivity of the skin. We then analyze the scan results, to increase the intelligence of the algorithm.

Once the scan is complete, a report will show you the results of your scan in the app. Scan results are prioritized based on changes in skin electrical conductivity. The report will be sent to you via email or SMS. The scanner is an advanced and powerful tool, with which you can learn more about your overall well-being.

The bioscan body and emotions with a free consultation 30 min. costs 29,00 €.
Appointments after tel. agreement or by email.

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