

In a gong bath, different singing bowls and gongs of different sizes are played.
The fascinating sounds and frequencies will gently envelop you. You don't need to do anything else, than to relax, listen, feel and enjoy. Let the vibration carry you away.

During a gong bath or gong meditation, the vibrations of the gong are transferred to the body, which consists largely of water. The brain frequency slows down and a trance-like state sets in. The intensity and volume of the sound of the gong can be felt physically and connects us with the original sound. Old patterns and blockages can be dissolved in this way.

A person who vibrates harmoniously, is also healthy. Dissonances creep in (z.B. through stress), he becomes unbalanced and ill.
Sound is vibration. When you're tense, stressed, traumatized, are sick, the body is out of balance and no longer in its original healthy vibration.
With a gong bath you will experience deep relaxation and it will be easier for your body to find its balance again. So can bodies, Mind & soul come back into harmony. The body's self-healing powers are activated.

We lie comfortably and relaxed and let our body be pampered by the overtone-rich vibrations, or in other words we “bathe” in the sound. Overtone sounds are very similar to noise, which an unborn child perceives in the womb. And singing bowls and gongs produce overtone sounds.
So we are enveloped with the overtone-rich vibrations of the instruments and thus come into deep relaxation. Every night our brain switches for 10 minutes off. Our brain switches to a 60-minute sound bath 20 minutes off.

Muscular and mental blockages can be released due to the vibrations. You feel strengthened and in your power.
You come into a lasting relaxation. The heartbeat slows down. The breathing too, blood pressure drops, the vessels dilate. A deep sense of well-being and serenity spread.

Already in the oldest Indian writings, the 5.000 year old Vedas, you can read about healing through sound. Music and sound are used in many cultures, around body, To reconcile mind & soul or to keep them in harmony.

A 60-minute gong bath costs 20,00 €.
See event calendar for dates.

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