
Our trainings at a glance

Spirit Healer Training Level 1
Spirit healer training level 1
with metamorphosis teaching, Reiki - Healing Level 1 and animal spirit healing

2 Takes Seminar incl. vegan full board
Seminarpreis: 490 €

seminar duration: 10:00 until about. 19:00 Clock

A detailed script is included in the price, a certificate and water, tea and fruit.

Reiki brings body, Mind & soul in balance & harmony

Reiki training according to the trad. Dr. Mikao Usui-System

seminar content:

Origin and history of Reiki according to Dr. Usui postures
Reiki Rules of Life
die 7 Haupt- chakras
Metamorphosis Doctrine
self treatment (21 Day cleansing/detox)
Initiations for power connection and activation of the Reiki energy
Process of Reiki application
Learning a complete Reiki application
Reiki- special positions
Balancing the energy centers (chakras)
Reiki short treatment
Animal treatments with Reiki
mirror laws
With this training and the initiation by us, flows also through your hands the divine, healing energy. Your vibration and your life energy will be significantly raised, as you are connected to your higher self from now on. Spiritual healing with Reiki always and everywhere serves the good.
In yourself and then in them, that you treat. The healing energy can relieve pain, it harmonizes the entire organism, strengthens the immune system, increases energy and well-being, helps with anxiety, grief, worry and distress, burnout syndrome and infinitely more! Spiritual healing with Reiki can support all medical treatments and is ideal for complementing other healing methods. Spiritual healing with the additional Reiki power transforms a highly intelligent, self-regulating energy, that caters to all needs and fulfills exactly that, what is needed in each case. Therefore it is completely excluded, that you could ever go wrong with that energy. Everything is always for the best!

This "new" healing power frees you for mental and spiritual development and evolutionary spiritual development, in which everyone can finally immerse themselves!

The spiritual healer training level 1 includes the very meaningful Metamorphosis Seminar.

Metamorphosis is like changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Only with this attitude of mind do you create the transformation and renewal in yourself and in others!

The metamorphic massage is an independent teaching, which can also be described as an extension of reflex zone therapy. That's the difference, that the metamorphosis practitioner does not act on the diseases, but only works on the prenatal pattern - on time, in which our inner strengths and weaknesses manifested themselves. The seminar is final and enables the student after the training, to teach others yourself. The therapist directs his full attention to the life force, flowing through the fabric of time, resulting in negative traits, Allow blockages and stress to change. This very efficient massage is gentle on hands, feet and head performed. It succeeds in converting that, what we are, in addition, what we can be.

The metamorphosis teaching is therefore an important part of our spiritual healer training level 1.
Spirit Healer Training Level 2
Spirit healer training level 2
with Reiki - Healing Level 2-

Transcending the space and time continuum-

Healing power boost and distant healing

2 Takes Seminar incl. vegan full board
Seminarpreis: 490 €

seminar duration: 10:00 until about. 19:00 Clock

A detailed script is included in the price, a certificate and water, tea and fruit.

Reiki brings body, Mind & soul in balance & harmony

Reiki training according to the trad. Dr. Mikao Usui-System

seminar content:

healing symbols
Learning the symbols as a force- & Energy Booster
Initiations for the power connection and activation of the 2 healing symbols
Reiki treatment with the Reiki symbols
reprogramming of beliefs
Urblockade resolution
Power symbol for distant treatment and initiation of the symbol
Procedure for remote Reiki treatment
karmic purification
room cleaning
genetic predisposition
World Healing Chant
let miracles happen!
Significantly expanded training according to the energies of the "New Time Order". Initiation into the “New Healing Energies”, as they could not be more luminous and penetrating. A lot of practical work awaits you. Expansion of the spirit healer training level 1. Knowledge of the spiritual laws with karma dissolution. Healing with healing symbols of the new age.

This degree enables you through further initiations and the learning of power amplifiers with the energies of the "New Age", for mental healing and penetrating into areas of greatest change on all levels of the body. Through a strong increase in energy (light force) remote treatments are possible, since you are learning, how the intelligent spirit triumphs over matter. Even to this holy, become healing power, you can blockades, mental health disorders, physical, dissolve mentally and spiritually.

These uplifting experiences will change your whole life. In this way, conflicting relationships can be transformed for the good of all those affected. You will experience a great transformation and release many old beliefs and limitations. This seminar is very intense, because we deepen the practical work. The wonderful journey into the divine adventure begins.

Spiritual healing with Reiki frees you from being a victim and leads you into creative power, deep gratitude and unconditional love.

Spirit Healer Training Level 3

Spirit healer training level 3

Heilmittel, Heilstäbe und Messtechnik, Kristallheilung, Geistchirurgie, Körperebenendiagnose uvm.

2 Takes Seminar incl. vegan full board
Seminarpreis: € 490,-

seminar duration: 10:00 until about. 19:00 Clock

A detailed script is included in the price, a certificate and water, tea and fruit.

seminar content:

Durch eine Einweihung werdet Ihr zum Kanal für den Empfang der höchstmöglichen Heilkraft, die Euren Bedürfnissen, Eurem Entwicklungs- und Bewusstseinsstand entspricht. Mit Eurem Verlangen bestimmt Ihr selbst das Kraftpotenzial, welches Euch unerschöpflich von der Quelle zufließt. Ihr erkennt den unendlichen Geist des Guten, der Harmonie und des Heilens. Durch Eure Hände lasst Ihr geschehen, was für Euch und alle, die Eure Hilfe benötigen, richtig ist. Die Stimme Eures Herzens bestimmt Euren Weg. Wir führen Euch in das Gott-Bewusstsein. Die Heilwerdung kann sich durch Euch erfüllen.

Ihr schult Eure Intuition, Euer Fühlen und Sehen. Ihr geht in die Innenschau, schult Eure Medialität und Wahrnehmungsgabe. Offenbart sich Euch der durchsichtige Mensch mithilfe unserer Energiestäbe, könnt Ihr Blockaden erkennen und auflösen sowie die geistige Chirurgie anwenden. Schöpft aus der Fülle Eurer Euch innewohnenden, unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Wir zeigen sie Euch!

Voraussetzung ist der Besuch der Geistheiler-Ausbildung Stufe 1+2 und man sollte schon reichlich praktisch gearbeitet haben.

Fühlt die Kraft des Kristalls, dessen Anteile in Euch sind!

Mithilfe eines Kristallstabes, der als beseeltes Wesen Euer dienender Freund wird, löst Ihr in wenigen Sekunden Blockaden auf und erfahrt, wie man auf körperlicher, wie auf geistiger Ebene an bestimmten Lern- und Lebensthemen zielgerichtet operiert, um innen wie außen Heil bringende Harmonie zu erschaffen. Hier lernt Ihr die Chakrabalance herzustellen, die Zellzeiterinnerungsmechanismen, die dem Evolutionsprozess unterworfen sind von Fremdprogrammen, Kontrollen, Genmanipulationen und vererbten Mustern (allergies) uvm. bis zu den Ahnen zurückgehend zu befreien.

Die Aurareinigung und Aurareparatur, die Ätherreinigung von Wunden und Verletzungen aus der Vergangenheit sind weitere wichtige Heilelemente, die wir vermitteln. Weiterhin lernt Ihr Kristallfolien zu nutzen, die ihr ab Stufe 4 auch selbst herstellen könnt.

Ihr erschafft Kristall-Kraftorte und lichtet die Energien der „Neuen Zeit“, damit diese sich durchdringender ihren Heil bringenden Weg bahnen können.

In this workshop you will learn the Raindrop Massage Technique® from Young Living™

The RAIN DROP Technique® was in the 80s by D. Gary Young entwickelt. It is a combination of ancient knowledge of plant ingredients, the healing rituals of the Lakota Indians and the handles of Gary Young.

It combines the knowledge of modern aromatherapy with essential oils pure quality, ancient Egyptian healing knowledge of Isis priestesses, the Vitaflex art (Vitality and reflexes) Tibetan medicine and the energizing ritual of the Lakota Indians.

The Raindrop Technique ® is a unique relaxation technique for body, Mind and spirit and works on all levels. It is based on methods, which are used for centuries. The Raindrop Technique helps, the body through targeted massage, to bring special energy methods and the power of essential oils in balance and harmony. It creates a spiritual and relaxed atmosphere.

Man loses in everyday life due to poor nutrition, lack of exercise, Stress, negative emotions etc. its energy balance. He finds this again through the Raindrop Technique®. The emotionally and physically balancing effect of the essential oils support the body in, his energetic middle recover. In addition, the energizing handles the cause Lakota, that above all the emotional and mental balancing can take place again.

There are nine essential essential oils, and oil mixtures, used in the Raindrop Technique®. The oils work on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. The self-healing powers of man be activated. The oils used are 100 % Queen essential Öle, like oregano, thyme, basil, cypress, wintergreen, Marjoram and peppermint and additionally aroma Siez, Valor and White Angelica. Essential oils are naturally, powerful and very effective against microbes and negative energies.

The Raindrop massage lifts the mood and increases well-being. It takes a holistic "ordering process" of the body instead of.

During the last 25 Years, this technology can have in many cases be of great help.

150,00 € with own oils
175 € without own oils

Registration required at
Tel: 0170 2359028 from 17 Clock
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